5 Powerful Features of An Advanced Air Rotor You Must Consider

Patients’ safety is always the top priority for any dentist and for same reason dentist are changing their ways to operate patient and avoid cross contamination. The major reason for cross contamination in dentistry is the aerosol production and it tis for this reason that you need a good handpiece to work with. There are many factors to be looked into to choose the best handpiece which will produce minimum aerosols.

Hence to go forward while choosing an air rotor it is mandatory to look into few features which will make the air rotor efficient to be used without worrying about any contamination.

The 5 most powerful features to be considered are:

ARV technology:

ARV technology means the Anti retraction valve. A handpiece without this valve may aspirate and expel the debris along with fluids during dental procedure. The microbes including bacteria and viruses may further contaminate air and water hoses within dental unit. This causes water block along with contamination of valves. Handpiece without these valves will have all the debris stored in the hoses and when the air rotor is used for second time, all the debris will come out in for of aerosols harming both patient as well as dentist. Good handpieces have these anti retraction valves which protect fluid retraction from oral cavity into the handpiece.

5 Powerful Features of An Advanced Air Rotor

Clean Head System:

The clean head system prevents entry of blood or any foreign matter from oral cavity into the handpiece through air. This enhances infection control not allowing any clogging and debris to enter inside. This also prevents the usage of handpiece second time, keeping it clean.

5 Powerful Features of An Advanced Air Rotor

Air Pressure Regulating Valve:

If the air pressure isn’t controlled, the overall functioning of the machinery is affected. A regulating valve removes the discharged pressure and carries proportional pressure forward to operate the valve. The inlet valve starts closing on rise of compressed air pressure or throttles preventing inlet air and decreasing pressure. Hence, it is evident that to avoid unnecessary spending and to maintain quality of compressed air, air pressure regulating valve is a must.


Quattro Spray:

A water jet keeps the prepared tooth cool and helps evacuate debris from work field. A multiport spray from face of handpiece is much more superior than single water port. This provides an even distribution of coolant water over entire surface of tooth. At same time, it prevents water spray from being blocked while cutting a tooth surface. An ill directed port shoots water off the bur and in such cases, air becomes coolant which is ineffective in dissipating heat. Hence quattro spray ensures a better cooling, thus avoiding any tissue necrosis and generating less heat and keep the handpiece and tooth cool.

30 W Power:

The power of handpiece is a deciding factor for quality treatment. 30 W power is powerful source as it creates synergistic effect. This helps in fast and precise treatment. Slower output may affect the cutting efficiency and make the treatment unclean and thus compromise our treatment outcome

One such Handpiece with all such amazing features is by NSK. The NSK FX plus handpiece is a high-speed handpiece which has enhanced modern dental practice. The new FX plus turbine cartridge offers enhanced smoothness. The bur retention system holds bur under increase torque loads. It is made up of stainless steel and angled to optimum degree for excellent visibility and favourable operating site


NSK FX handpiece series is a modernization of previous Dental Handpieces with advanced features thus increases reliability, durability and functionality of handpiece. It’s a worthy buying product if you want an aerosol free environment.

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